Individual Adult Therapy, Certified EMDR Therpist and EMDRIA Approved Consultant, Brainspotting Trained, LENS Provider
Reasons to try something different
Services offered

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing is an effective therapy to resolve the issues that continue to cause upset in the present. EMDR takes the emotional charge out of past experiences. You can recall a sad or traumatic memory without feeling the sadness, anger, hurt, fear that you felt at the time of the event.
EMDR is widely researched and utilized around the world.
Brainspotting was developed from an EMDR therapist. BSP is somewhat similar to EMDR, but with a different technique. Brainspotting alleviates the symptoms associated with trauma, anxiety and depression. Like EMDR, it resolves past upsets that continue to get triggered in the present. These therapies facilitate emotional healing and regulation.
LENs -Low Energy Neurofeedback
LENs regulates the central nervous system and in a way recalibrates your brain to function more effectively. It has the potential to ease anxieties, TBIs, improve ADHD and much more. The neurofeedback is at a very low frequency, less than your cell phone. This treatment reads the brain and responds with this low frequency signal that causes the brain to recalibrate. Like looking in a mirror and identifying what doesn't look right and correcting it
Why Talk Therapies Do Not Always Work
Today we know more about the brain and why some experiences become ‘stuck’ and continue to trigger us in current day living. Studies conducted by top trauma researchers, psychologists and psychiatrists show why traditional talk therapies are ineffective in resolving trauma, which is defined, not only by catastrophic and life altering events, but also the humiliations and personal upsets that impact how we feel about ourselves, others and react to situations.
In short, traumatic memories stay stuck in regions of the brain that are nonverbal, unconscious and subcortical. They are not accessible to the conscious, understanding, thinking, nor reasoning parts of the brain. This brief explanation provides the justification for why we continue to feel anger, sadness, guilt, shame, resentment, discomfort when thinking about a past experience. Furthermore, it provides the explanation for the eyes welling with tears, the stomach tightening or the shoulders tensing when triggered. The beliefs we buy into about ourselves “I am defective, I can’t trust, I am not good enough, I can’t succeed, I am worthless, I am powerless”, etc. continue to be felt and impact our self-confidence, our relationships with others, our ability to perform in the world. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapies rely on that conscious, reasoning part of brain to gain insight, consider alternative perspectives and learn new coping strategies to better manage feelings, negative thoughts and anxieties. Because these therapies are not able to access underlying feelings, thoughts, issues that are not immediately in your conscious awareness and therefore, are not effective in changing those feelings and beliefs no matter how much one “deals with” or understands what happened to create them.
For more information, if interested, I recommend the books The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van der Kolk, M.D. and Trauma and Memory, by Peter Levine, Ph.D.
When a disturbing event happens and if that event does not get effectively processed the event becomes trapped and frozen in the brain, nervous system and bodies. Therefore, the memory of that event get triggered in the present erupting the same feelings, emotions, physical sensations and irrational beliefs that were associated with the event.
For example, suppose you were a child of divorced parents living with your mother and you had exciting plans for the day you were to be with your father. You recall how you were waiting by the door, ready to go, in anticipation only to learn that your father is not going to come. As a child, you do not rationally and maturely consider the reasons – all you know is that someone special did not show up for you and you feel you are not important to them, definitely not a priority and that perhaps you DON’T MATTER at all.
Now, in adulthood your spouse minimizes a birthday or your boss overlooks your efforts. That old message – that seed planted in childhood – is trapped and those irrational beliefs of “I DON’T MATTER” are once again triggered along with all of the feelings and emotions of that childhood event, often making it difficult to function or cope with the world around you.
While EMDR & BSP cannot erase memories, it can facilitate a reprocessing of the disturbing memory so that you can recall the event without the upset (feelings of sadness or rage, a knot in your stomach, a tear in your eye). Once these past experiences are effectively resolved the actions or behaviors of others will no longer be a reflection of you and the old belief of I DON'T MATTER will no longer feel true. In other words, your past pain will be resolved and cease to negatively impact your present, leaving freedom to live better now and in the future.
Childhood Bullying
After only two EMDR sessions, this client was surprised to experience how “easy” and quickly he could resolve the feelings of vulnerability of not being able to fight back.
Cheating Spouse
EMDR assisted wife in alleviating the intrusive thoughts about her husband’s affair and resolving the feeling of “being less than…”
After two sessions of EMDR, the client reported no return of a nightmare he has experienced since childhood.
Fear of Flying
Intense fear of flying jeopardized her relationship with a husband who loved to travel. After EMDR, the client is not only able to travel but is excited about the plans she and her husband have to fulfill her dream of visiting Ireland.
Physical Abuse
With three months of EMDR, this client was able to recall the physical childhood abuse by her mother without feeling the anger she has carried for decades. The client is now able to have a relationship with her mother because she “chooses to do so.”
A client was anxious and scared about an upcoming surgery on her hand, fearing anesthesia, loss of her hand and everything going wrong. At the end of just one EMDR session, she was seeing humor in her fears and made it through surgery without incident and minimal anxiety.
Traumatic Childhood
A client had to care for a dying parent while having unresolved feelings of fear and anger as a result of a traumatic childhood that continued into adulthood. In two sessions the client reported that she was able to be more present and caring toward the parent and was even able to hold the parent’s hand as she passed away. She was also able to actually mourn her loss without interference of pain, anger and fear.
After EMDR therapy to resolve three traumatic life events, a client was able to make plans to host a holiday dinner for the first time in years without the recurrence of suicidal and clinical depression. As an additional result of EMDR, her psychiatrist of six years encouraged a decrease in her medications. She also reports that her fingernails have returned to normal (anxiety had caused dents and ridges).
A client who was highly anxious over an upcoming job interview reported that after one EMDR session, not only was she free of anxiety, but also even got lost in route and still didn’t worry.
A client and coworkers were held up at gunpoint, experienced physical aggression and had their lives threatened. After six EMDR sessions, the client was able to return to work, finally sleep with the lights off and interact outside of the home with a greatly reduced fear of being in public amongst strangers.
Child’s Suicide
A client reported that after five EMDR sessions he no longer saw the image of his child, positioned on the couch having committed suicide, as horrific. While he could do nothing but focus on the horror of that memory before, he now reports that happy memories are overtaking that image. At the fifth session he reported that he had not cried in three weeks.
Crying all of the time
A significantly depressed client cried throughout her first few sessions and reported that she cried in every session with other therapists. After EMDR resolved past experiences, the client stopped crying and began to express a broader range of emotions. She also reported that she began to clean her room again, desire a social life and was able to identify accomplishments and talents.
A client had been carrying around shame and guilt for 30 years after witnessing a crime without taking action. After three EMDR sessions, the client was no longer able to access the memory with great detail and stopped having the flashbacks he had experienced for the past twenty years. He embraced the fact that he was young and any action he took could have been life threatening to him.
Performance Enhancement
A client had a job interview that entailed presenting herself in front of a panel. Her EMDR session focused on her ability to present herself clearly, competently and as she wanted to be perceived. She won the job over two other highly qualified candidates. And, the client (who is a perfectionist) reports she is now feeling comfortable and confident doing the best she can do without needing to be perfect.